Showing: 1 - 10 of 258 RESULTS

The Sequel Spinoff Fiction Series Books or eBooks, What Do You Want?

Katherine Monet In a previous post about canceled shows,I came up with the idea to create The Sequel Spinoff, which are our favorite TV shows’ continued stories. I’m debating if I should create print bound books or eBooks for this project, and I’m unsure whether it is better. I could make print bound books, but …


How To Become A Self – Published Author Without Planning “The Event”

Katherine Monet This guide is important for writers who want to self–publish their books without stress to release their stories to the world, rather than preparing a book launch. This guide will offer ease in your journey to get published faster instead of going beyond your limits. In this post, I’ll provide 12 steps to …


The Katherine Monet Author, YouTube Channel, E–Project Career Site

Katherine Monet The Katherine Monet author site is the foundation of my growing career, as a writer, content creator, and in–progress entrepreneur. In this post, I’ll reveal everything I’m currently working on to achieve my dream life now, and so can you. I have exciting news to share with all of you. I’m working towards …

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