Showing: 1 - 8 of 8 RESULTS
The Saturday Night Review Series

The Saturday Night Special Edition: With Jimmy Kimmel

Katherine Monet I started the Saturday Night Trailers when I first began the blog, and special editions of talk shows throughout the process. In the past, I had more trailers, although it’s gone because of a technical glitch. Moving on up to the special edition, Jimmy Kimmel visited by Marty McFly and Doc Brown has …


The Katherine Universe Series Intro

Katherine Monet The Katherine Universe introduces a wide range of works–in–progress, sites, new content, businesses, products, and much more. In this series, I’ll be sharing my journey in creating a great future for myself and others. I’ll be updating frequently on my progress of current projects in The What’s Next Newsletter. On a weekly basis, …


Write Screen Plot: The Adventures of Ellie Grant: Miogen’s World

Ellie Grant is an expedition explorer who has crossed from wonder to wonder. On a new expedition, Ellie travels through mysterious jungles on a chain of unknown islands that was never discovered. Her mission is to gather all evidence for the archive she’s working for back in Washington housed many valuables. Ellie goes about her …


The Sequel Spinoff Fiction Series Books or eBooks, What Do You Want?

Katherine Monet In a previous post about canceled shows,I came up with the idea to create The Sequel Spinoff, which are our favorite TV shows’ continued stories. I’m debating if I should create print bound books or eBooks for this project, and I’m unsure whether it is better. I could make print bound books, but …

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