The Coffee Table Read Weekly

Getting Life Together
Image Copyright: Steam
by Katherine Monet on June 1
One of the best things to do is to have your life together. A basic routine, where you manage a job, a family, taking care of your home, and studying. We all need to manage our time to get things done, but that’s harder said than done when you don’t feel like cleaning the bathroom, or procrastinating on how much work has to get done. Many of us are going about the cycle of our lives being busy all the time, and that’s great, to some extent. What’s more important than anything is our wellbeing. In order to be successful you must consider what you need, and what other people in your life need.
Having the best life isn’t about the glamor of YouTubers who seem put together all the time, that’s fake news. We want the real stuff. No daisies, no pixie dust, and no fairy wings of a dream life. We live in a world where it’s a constant battle to manage everything, and it’s okay if you’re not. It takes practice to hone your focus, checking off all your to dos in one hour, and plan like there’s no tomorrow, so to speak.
Hoping for a more manageable life in a busy world is very hard, I try my utmost best to get things done, which I am, and that’s great. But I know I can do more. I have to juggle four categories of things to do. I’m a little better than I used to be, but not what I imagined myself doing. In my mind, I like to create this version of myself in a hotel setting and get things in record time. I know I can get to that point, it’s going to take a lot of practice to get there.
All this to say is that, life as we know it we always be hard and have its way to put us in situations. The secret to this is the basic saying, “Go with the flow.” Without flexibility, there’s no happiness that comes. Happiness is another secret to success. Others say that to sacrifice to do the work they need to do is to put family and friends aside, and I think that’s wrong. The only sacrifice there is, is how you use your time. Family, friends, and joy are first on your list. Keep going and stay strong.


Copyright: American Psychologist Association
Leaders Of Tomorrow
by Katherine Monet on June 1
We Are Leaders of Our Tomorrow.
The leaders of today are taking on the reigns of their lives, business aside. What it means to be a leader is to lead a life that’s exemplary for others. As an example, influencers and entrepreneurs are influencing and creating ways to unify people for a greater purpose and personal improvement. It’s all about show, not tell.
Become a leader for yourself, that way you can fulfill your greater purpose in life. Life is too short to wait around to let things happen. If you want something to happen, use your imaginative ability of manifestation, and that’s creating what you want in your mind, put into motion then action.
Self – improvement is a huge trend among many life – stylist YouTubers, and have a ton of subscribers. In today’s world, there are more people who become busy and effective in their work. Leaders, take action today, and lead the road to a greater tomorrow.
Feature Class
by Katherine Monet on June 1
Feature Class is my first website business without a stream of income, it’s completely free. They’re interactive features based on a variety of topics to learn essentials of life, business, work, self – improvement, how to’s, and many more. I’m excited to share this with all of you, and am going to share my online businesses on an app called Lemon, where I can create ads and engagement to the website and other businesses I’m still creating as well.
The best part of Feature Class is the features itself, I enjoy writing them. I’ll definitely let you all know the release date when Planners Feature Class is live, and ready. The first Feature Class is about how to plan, either it’s for content, getting your work in order, or making your own planner, either way it’s going to be helpful for everyone. Before the release date, I’ll send a teaser ad for Feature Class. Let’s have a Fabulous Tomorrow, and a marvelous today! See you at Feature Class.

Feature Image Copyright: PhotoDune