Katherine Monet
It is OFFICIAL that the topics for discussion are now on board the Marvelous Express Website! I’ll be posting topics based on my blog posts and everyone is free to join. Are you ready readers for the brand new great things? I know I am! With that said, I would also like to tell you all some great news. I checked on YouTube this morning to see how my Late Night Kate Show is doing, besides me watching my own show like about maybe twice, this morning, I saw I have five views. And that my lovely readers is called a start to getting known. Most of all, I also realized that no matter how much I want to promote my blog to the world, I need to give it time. Just like how I need to give my Late Night Show time to evolve. The most important thing to remember readers, is that, no matter what you do in your life or where you’re headed, trust the process and time.