Katherine Monet Thank you for posting your comments on the blog, I really appreciate what you say. Thank you so much for mentioning that I might have something in me. I always believed in myself because I thought I could go far in what I dreamed to be and that is to be an Author. …
The Tiniest Things We All Should Appreciate
Katherine Monet Sometimes the smallest things aren’t recognized in our daily lives because everyone is busy. But we all need to open our eyes to see the tiniest moments that we should all appreciate. For example, your parents, your bed, your home, food in your fridge, and all the great families get togethers. We all …
The First Does This Look Familiar
Katherine Monet Does this picture remind you of something from the good old days? Maybe it has or hasn’t, here’s some little background information on this. The clothes that these guys are wearing are definitely from the early 1970’s. This is the TV sitcom of * drum roll * Happy Days. One of the main …
Saturday Night TV Show Trailer: Family Reunion
Katherine Monet Happy Another Good Saturday Night! Tonight, I would like to share with all of you a family drama TV series called Family Reunion. Family Reunion is more than just a family who move to Columbus who try to go through a road to spirituality, it’s mostly about the history. I find this TV …
There’s No Title For This, It’s My First Share Of Stranger Fiction Club
Katherine Monet I would like to share with all of you some of my work on one of my collections of series called Stranger Fiction Club. Let me know what you guys think of the story: #1: The three friends, Cara, Julianna, and Blake are big book readers and collect as many books to read. …
Would You Want To Read Some Of My Potential Books?
Katherine Monet I have a thought that has stuck with me for awhile now and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in reading some of my potential books of the future as I am still developing them as we speak? I’ve read all of your comments and I want to say thank you …
Does This Look Familiar?
Katherine Monet I’ve posted pictures before, but this time it’s going to be different and interesting. A throwback picture of the past could be anything. Let the familiarity and memories come back all in a picture. In the newest idea expansion of the Throwbacks, is Does This Look Familiar? You’ll all find out soon enough …
The Requested From The Comments
Katherine Monet From what I’ve read in the comments you all wrote, I’m considering your ideas to make your visit here at the blog more interesting. I will do my utmost best. Some of you suggested that my posts could be longer, no problem, I will definitely write longer posts. Other than that, there are …